Saturday, February 18, 2017

Day 5 Off to the Motherland-Rijeka

Our flight was at 10:30. Brussels to Zagreb.  We left around 8:15 from Leuven train station.  I went directly to Brussels airport and Drew needed to stop at the Cuban Embassy in Brussels for a visa for a future trip.  The train ride was 15 minutes and I got checked in and waited for Drew.

Drew arrived and we got to our gate for Brussels Airlines direct to Zagreb.  Nice plane, no frills and arrived on time.  We had an easy time getting a vehicle from Enterprise and thank goodness Drew had google maps on his phone to get on on our way.  The drive from Zagreb to Rijeka was 2 hours.  We went through flat land, mountains, snow, and then to the beautiful Adriatic sea.

For the past two weeks I have been communicating with my second cousin Karmen.  Karmen speaks English and has always exchanged Christmas cards with my mother.  My mom loves Karmen and enjoys hearing from her also at the holidays.

We were  expected for dinner at Karmen's parent's house n Krascia, at my mom's first cousin Franjo & family at 6:00.  The last time I had seen these cousins was 1973.  I was 16 years old and Karmen was 8.  We arrived right on time and were greeted by Karmen standing in the middle of the road in the village of Krasica flagging us down.  So welcoming!!!  She was beautiful and greeted us with such warmth, it made my heart melt.  I was home.  I was where my grandparents were born.  The motherland.  I cried inside for my mother, because I know she was home crying to be here.  She would want to be here right now!  She would have soooo enjoyed this visit.  Her cousin Franjo and wife Katrina are beautiful.  Katrina fixed a traditional Croation dinner.  First chicken soup, then gnocchi with meat/gravy, along with plenta.  I thought I was at many grandmother's house1. A traditional croation meal!!  We laughed, cried and looked at old pictures.  I had lots of questions and pictures to show.  They were a wealth of information, about the Vicievic and Randic side of the family.  So many emotions. Such wonderful people!!

After dinner, Darko, another first cousin of my mothers came.  He was so cute!!  Very loving and hugged and kissed every time I looked at him!  Big teddy bear!! reminded me of my Uncle Bo...had his smile and his twinkle in his eyes!!   He lives in the house next to his brother Franjo.   Beautiful evening.  Met Darko's daughter Elenora and his granddaughter Elenora too.

Franjo and granddaughter Antonija (who speaks English)(Karmen's daughter) took us to another Aunt's house, Teta Anica, in Kostrena.  All of these villages are about 5-10 minute drives.  Even though my grandparents came to America and different times in their lives, and did not know each other rm the old country, they met upon Joliet Illinois and marries...their villages only a stone throw away from each other!!  I loved that Franjo and Darko knew of my grandfather's family in Krasica.  Franjo sings in the choir in Bakar, where my grandmother went to church and school.  He said he would help me with family records when I come back!  I HAVE TO COME BACK TO DO FAMILY RESEARCH!!!!

Off to Teta  Anica, who lives in Kostrena.  She and my mother bonded when we visited in 1973 and my mother's other visit in 1984.  She is wonderful and could be my mom's sister.  She too welcomed us with open arms and wanted us to come back for breakfast.  Funny, they kept pulling out the wines and spirits to celebrate.  I laughed and said I would under the table like my dad was in 1973.  They laughed and remembered celebrating back then with him!!  GiGi came down to visit, this is my second cousin.  He and my brother Chris became friends at Chris's visit in 1984.  He is so cute and always smiling.  Met his daughter Mia, who is 18 and speaks English too.

It was a beautiful evening and it felt like home.  Just wish my mother was here.  I promised them I would bring her back this year.  They cried for Petra, Petra, Petra.  Pretty emotional for me.  Such lovely people and so giving and generous of their time.

Drew and I went back to Hotel Jadarn in Rijeka and fell into bed.  I can't wait to call my mother tomorrow!!
Anica, Gig and daughter Mia

Franjo, Antonija, and Ancica


Karmen and her father, Franjo

Katrina, Karmen's mother

Gig and Mia

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